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What Is Business Coaching and What’s In It for You?

As a professional, are you seeking a better connection to your work? Needing a greater focus and more balance? Wanting to improve your leadership skills? Or perhaps looking to make a career transition? If “yes” or “maybe” to any of these questions, you could benefit from a business coach. Here, in these three short videos, is my take on what you can gain from coaching, plus a couple of key takeaways.

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1774 Hits

Tame Your Inner Saboteur So You Can Live A Happy, Productive Life

Tame Your Inner Saboteur So You Can Live A Happy, Productive Life

When was the last time you set out to do something – big or small – and soon heard that familiar voice in your head trying to talk you out of it? If you’re like me, the annoying chatter – which often includes: "You can' shouldn't…you're going to lose, be embarrassed, be rejected, disappoint're going to fail" – is hard to overcome.

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2726 Hits

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